A Trade or Two Membership

$99 per month

Automatically renews, but cancel anytime with one click.

Generate consistent, reliable income with low risk, low volatility trading alerts.

  • Trade alerts sent to your e-mail within seconds
  • Access to electronic learning materials, including an e-book detailing our system
  • Access to a community chat site

What’s included? Absolutely everything.

No membership tiers. No sign-up or early termination fees. One price, all the service. Simple, inexpensive - but effective.


We’ve intentionally kept A Trade or Two at an affordable price. While nothing in trading or the markets is ever a certainty, we’ve priced A Trade or Two such that a single one of our recommended trades (at one contract, not a 10-lot or something crazy) should more than pay for the service each month. Unlike other trading rooms and services that charge hundreds of dollars a month, we’re a flat $99 recurring each month. Again, there are never any guarantees, but we’re here to create more value for you than we capture.

For instance, we just put on a trade that credited $1,650 per contract to our brokerage account – and required $16,451.61 in margin – and in a little while, we’ll look to pay about $740 to buy it back, leaving us with a profit of about $910 on a single trade. We put on trades every single week and, in our process, take them off every single week as well. All you pay us? $99 once a month.

If the margin in the trade I just described is too much for you, I’ll show you how to do the same trades with another ticker. For instance, we just put on a trade in the smaller ticker that credited our brokerage account $203.75 and required just $1,476 in margin. In a little while, we’ll look to pay about $90 to get out of that trade, leaving us with about $113.75 in profit. You still pay for our service with a single trade, and the rest of the profit is yours.

Risk-free, cancel anytime, no long-term lock-in.
Cancellation is entirely self-serve, no questions asked, no retention specialists trying to talk you out of it. Cancel any time, no long-term contracts to lock you in. Simple, straightforward, and fair, just as it should be. While we don’t offer refunds for any reason, if you cancel, you’ll maintain access to the service and system through the end of the time you’ve paid for.
Committed to becoming a successful trader of our system?

Email hello@atradeortwo.com to learn how to save 10% on prepaying quarterly ($267.30 for three months) and 20% on prepaying annually ($950.40)